My First Podcast Episode

For my Principles of Social Media class which I take to satisfy my minor, we recently had to create a podcast where we were required to interview a professional in the industry we plan on working in in the future. My major is Communications Studies, and I eventually want to get involved in insurance, more specifically sales insurance. The interviewee is my father, who has made a good name and living for himself in the sales world. I've always looked up to my dad and thought his work was interesting. He also gets the benefit of taking multiple trips to exotic places yearly. Sometimes, the trips are even covered by partners or companies. The benefits alone intrigued me into his work. Funny enough my dad also studied Communications Studies in college, so I am planning to follow in his footsteps, and hopefully become as good as he is one day. The episode was a little tricky to compose, because of audio issues. I had to redo the interview multiple times and it became frustrating, but in hindsight it was worth the stress because I learned a lot about my podcast capabilities. Even though I knew a lot about my dad and what he did for work, I learned more about him and what he does. An example of this would be the scarce accountability. He stated that a lot of the time you are working on your own, and it is up to you to get what needs to be done, finished. In conclusion, I am happy and relieved that I did this assignment.

Podcast Link :



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