Spring Break 2024

 Spring Break 2024

I speak for the majority of the student population when I say breaks or time off from school/classes, is great. I know we are only four weeks into the new semester, but it feels like an eternity. Classes are starting to pick up pace and students are getting more stressed. Don’t worry because our next break starts March 11th and goes to the 15th! That is under a month, so stay strong, go to class and maintain good grades.

            That being said, for Spring break this year I am going to Myrtle Beach with a handful of my college friends. There will be tons of fun activities for us to do like sitting out by the beach, cornhole, throwing the football, getting a nice tan and drinking plenty of water. I hope everyone gets through these last couple weeks and gets to have a great Spring break relaxing. All in all, I am excited, as I’m sure everyone else is too! 


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